Monday, October 26, 2009

Accepting Abundance...

Accepting Abundance...

Thursday, 6. September 2007, 01:07:17
This topic is really in my face at the minute. Everytime I turn around someone is reminding me that there is an abundance of love and money.

All I have to do is open myself up to the ocean of abundance and i'll have all my desires met.

So here I am going out for lunch today reciting to myself that I'm loved, supported and open to money...and not only is my lunch paid for by someone else, but she also slips me an added $50 in payment for looking after her cat. A wonderful sign that i'm on the right track.

I just have to remember to keep telling myself that over and over again until it becomes second nature to me.

I have an abundance of love, support and money.
I have an abundance of love, support and money.
I have an abundance of love, support and money.
I have an abundance of love, support and money.
I have an abundance of love, support and money.

Or as Rev. Ike says "I LOVE MONEY, and MONEY LOVES ME!"

Bizarre...I got distracted and have no idea what was bizarre.
Could be the fact i've only just registered the first of the people I knew from high school is dead.
I've been trying to find how he died, hoping that it's from an accident...or cancer. Odd, that i'd hope for either of those, but it's better than facing the fact that someone my age has died from an age related illness. I'm only 32, and I'd have thought the first age related illnesses would start showing up around 45ish. Meh.

Anyway i'm off to bed, so i'm up bright and early for the train to Melbourne tomorrow.

I love mone and money loves me.
I have an abundance of love, support and money.

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